Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Chemical Reactions Are Basis of Our Life Essay

Chemical reactions are the basis of life on earth. As human beings, we are little more than the naturally abundant elements of which we are composed and the reactions between the compounds that they form. After all, how could life exist without water? Oxygen transport in a body the size of the human body would be impossible without the aid of a complex like hemoglobin. Besides being the basis of many of life’s intangibles, chemistry also plays an active role in our daily lives. Take for instance everyday household cleaning. If you’re like me, you like to eat off of clean dishes, prepare food on a clean surface, and use clean restroom facilities. Taking the cleaning of any of these areas into your own hands requires a little chemical knowledge. Have you ever scrubbed away at some grease or oil that just won’t come out? That’s because we are used to most of the â€Å"gunk† that we clean up being a polar substance. Water is also a polar substance, and since like dissolves like, most polar substances dissolve easily in water. However, when we introduce water to big greasy hydrocarbon chains (usually called alkanes, or fats and oils as we know them), the water just slides right over them and our plate stays greasy. This is because fats, oils, and waxes are nonpolar substances. If instead of using water we used less polar mineral spirits (not recommended on food prep items), those greasy alkanes would be dissolved in no time. Solubility concerns are clearly at the forefront of chemistry in the home. For two substances to be soluble in one another, they must be composed of similar materials, as we saw in the case with water and other polar substances. The interaction between water and nonpolar substances in science is termed the â€Å"hydrophobic effect,† meaning literally â€Å"water fearing. † On a cellular level, there are many consequences of this effect, but the same is true in the macroscopic world. For instance, the â€Å"greasy† feeling your skin gets when it hasn’t been cleaned in some time is due to sebum, a hydrophobic substance your body secretes as a protecting layer. Interestingly, many people wash this layer off in the shower only to replace it with â€Å"skin moistening† lotions containing lanolin, which is nothing more than sheep sebum. Another solubility problem occurs when Coke is spilled on the floor, creating a sticky mess that doesn’t seem to clean up with any normal household cleaning agents. This is because one of the main ingredients in any soda is phosphoric acid, which is a sticky mess in and of itself, not to mention the sugars and other sticky components found in most sodas. Luckily, phosphoric acid dissolves easily in water, making water (and lots of it) typically the best way to clean up this sort of spill. Acid/base chemistry also finds its way into our everyday lives. For instance, have you ever touched your car battery only to find that seconds later, you are feeling a tingling or burning sensation? This is because the battery acid is performing a dehydration reaction on your skin. That is, water is being pulled from your tissue in a chemical reaction. Luckily, armed with your knowledge of acid/base chemistry, you quickly sprinkle some baking soda on the offending acid, neutralizing its harmful effects. Or perhaps you’ve eaten some particularly spicy food or just have a little acid reflux. It’s milk to the rescue in these cases. The slightly basic milk will neutralize the slightly acidic foods in no time. So before you shove those chemistry books into the attic to gather dust, before you decide that there’s just no application to a science so complex, think again. Chemistry permeates all of our daily lives whether we think about it every day or not. There is much more to chemistry than the biological reactions occurring inside of us. Chemistry is all around us.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Night World : Daughters of Darkness Chapter 8

She waited another hour after he set off down theroad, heading east-doing what, she had no idea. There was nothing that way except two creeks andlots of trees. And her house. She hoped he was goingto try to walk into town, and that he didn't realize how far it was. All right, he's gone, now forget about him. You'vegot a job to do, remember? A slightly dangerous one. And he's not involved. I don't believe he knows anything about what happened to Mrs. B. She got the shovel and started down the road west.As she walked she found that she was able to put Ash out of her mind completely. Because all she could think of was what was waiting ahead. I'm not scared to do it; I'm not scared, I'm notscared†¦. OfcourseI'm scared. But being scared was good, it would make her careful. She would do this job quickly and quietly. In through the gap in the hedge, a little fast work with the shovel, out again before anybody saw her. She tried not to picture what she was going to findwith that shovel if she was right. She approachedBurdock Farm cautiously, going north and then doubling back southeast to come in through the back property. The farmland had gone wild here, taken over by poison oak, beargrass, and dodder, besides the inevitable blackberry bushes and gorse. Tan oaks and chinquapins were moving in. Sometime soon these pastures would be forest. I'm not sure I believe I'm doing this, MaryLynnette thought as she reached the hedge that surrounded the garden. But the strange thing was that she didbelieve it. She was going to vandalize a neighbor's property and probably look at a dead bodyand she was surprisingly cool about it. Scared but not panicked. Maybe there was more hidden inside her than she realized. I may not be who I've always thought I am. The garden was dark and fragrant. It wasn't theirises and daffodils Mrs. B. had planted; it wasn't the fireweed and bleeding heart that were growing wild. It was the goats. Mary-Lynnette stuck to the perimeter of the hedge,eyes on the tall, upright silhouette of the farmhouse. There were only two windows lit. Please don't let them see me and please don't letme make a noise. Still looking at the house, she walked slowly, taking careful baby steps to the place where the earth was disturbed. The first couple of swipes with the shovel hardly moved the soil. Okay. Put a little conviction in it. And don't watch the house; there's no point. If they look out, they're going to see you, and there's nothing you can do about it. Just as she put her foot on the shovel, somethingwent hooshin the rhododendrons behind her. Crouched over her shovel,Mary-Lynnette froze. Stop worrying, she told herself. That's not the sisters. It's not Ash coming back. That's an animal. She listened. A mournful maaaa came from the goat shed. It wasn't anything. It was a rabbit. Dig! She got out a spadeful of dirt-and then she heardit again. Hoosh. A snuffling sound. Then a rustling. Definitely an animal. But if it was a rabbit, it was an awfully loud one. Who cares what it is? Mary-Lynnette told herself.There aren't any dangerous animalsout here. And I'm not afraid of the dark. It's my natural habitat. I love the night. But tonight, somehow, she felt differently. Maybe it was just the scene with Ash that had shaken her, made her feel confused and discontented. But just now she felt almost as if something was trying to tell her that the dark wasn't any human's natural habitat. That she wasn't built for it, with her weak eyes and her insensitive ears and dull nose. That she didn't belong. Hoosh. I may have rotten hearing, but I can hearthatjustfine. And it's big. Something big's sniffing around in bushes. What kind of big animal could be out here? Itwasn't a deer deer went snort-wheeze. It sounded larger than a coyote, taller. A bear? Then she heard a different sound the vigorousshaking of dry, leathery rhododendron leaves. In the dim light from the house she couldseethe branches churning as something tried to emerge. it's coming out. Mary-Lynnette clutched her shovel and ran. Nottoward the gap in the hedge, not toward the housethey were both too dangerous. She ran to the goat shed. I can defend myself in here-keep it out—hit itwith the shovel†¦. The problem was that she couldn't see from in here.There were two windows in the shed, but between dirt on the glass and the darkness outside, Mary-Lynnette couldn't make out anything. She couldn'teven see the goats, although she could hear them. Don't turn on the penlight. It'll just give awayyour position. Holding absolutely still, she strained tohear any thing from outside. Nothing. Her nostrils were full of goat. The layers of oat straw and decomposing droppings on the floor were smelly, and they kept the shed too warm. Her palms were sweating as she gripped the shovel. I've never hit anybody †¦ not since Mark and Iwere kids fighting †¦ but, heck, I kicked a strangerthis morning†¦ . She hoped the potential for violence would comeout now when she needed it. A goat nudged her shoulder.Mary-Lynnette shrugged it away. The other goat bleated suddenlyand she bit her lip. Oh, God-I heard something out there. The goatheard it, too. She could taste her bitten lip. It was like sucking on a penny. Blood tasted like copper, which, she realizedsuddenly, tasted like fear. Something opened the shed door. What happened then was that Mary-Lynnette Something unholy was after her. Something thatsniffed like an animal but could open doors like ahuman. She couldn't see what it was-just a shadowdarkness against darkness. She didn't think ofturning on the penlight-her only impulse was to smash out with the shovel now, to get ft before ft could get her. She was tingling with the instinct forpure, primordial violence. Instead, she managed to hiss, â€Å"Who is ft? Who'sthere?† A familiar voice said,†Iknew you were going to do this. I've been lookingeverywherefor you.† â€Å"Oh,God, Mark.† Mary-Lynnette sagged against wall of the shed, letting go of the shovel. The goats were both bleating. Mary-Lynnette's earswere ringing. Mark shuffled farther in. â€Å"Jeez, this place smells. What are you doing inhere?† â€Å"Youjerk,†Mary-Lynnette said. â€Å"I almost brained you!† 0†³You said you were forgetting all this crazy stuff. You lied to me.† â€Å"Mark, you don't †¦We can talk later†¦. Did you hearanything out there?† She was trying to gather her thoughts. â€Å"Like what?† He was so calm. It made MaryLynnette feel vaguely foolish. Then his voice sharpened. â€Å"Like a yowling?† â€Å"No. Like a snuffling.† Mary-Lynnette's breath was slowing. â€Å"I didn't hear anything. We'd better get out ofhere. What are we supposed to say if Jade comes out?† Mary-Lynnette didn't know how to answer that. Mark was in a different world, a happy, shiny world where the worst that could happen tonight was embarrassment. Finally she said â€Å"Mark, listen to me. I'm your sister. I don't have any reason to lie to you, or playtricks on you, or put down somebody you like. AndI don't just jump to conclusions; I don't imagine things. But I'm telling you, absolutely seriously,that there is something weird going on with these girls.† Mark opened his mouth, but she went on relentlessly. â€Å"So now there are only two things you can believe, and one is that I'm completely out of mymind, and the other is that it's true. Do you really think I'm crazy?† She was thinking of the past as she said it, of allthe nights they'd held on to each other when their mother wassick, of the books she'd read out loud tohim, of the times she'd put Band-Aids on his scrapes and extra cookies in his lunch. And somehow, even though it was dark, she could sense that Mark was remembering, too. They'd shared so much. They would always be connected. Finally Mark said quietly, â€Å"You're not crazy.† â€Å"Thank you.† â€Å"But I don't know what to think. Jade wouldn't hurtanybody. I justknow that. And since I met her , .†Hepaused. â€Å"Mare, it's like now I know why I'm alive.She's different from any girl I've ever known. She's ____ she's so brave, and so funny, and so †¦ herself.† And I thought it was the blond hair, MaryLynnette thought. Shows how shallow I am. She was moved and surprised by the change in Mark-but mostly she was frightened. Frightenedsick. Her cranky, cynical brother had found somebody to care about at last †¦ and the girl was probably descended from Lucrezia Borgia. And now, even though she couldn't see him, shecould hear earnest appeal in his voice. â€Å"Mare, can't we just go home?† Mary-Lynnette felt sicker. She broke off and they both snapped their heads to look at the shed window. Outside a light had gone on. â€Å"Shut the door,† Mary-Lynnette hissed, in a tone that made Mark dose the door to the shed instantly. â€Å"And be quiet,- she added, grabbing his arm and pulling him next to the wall. She looked cautiously out the window. Rowan came out of the back door first, followedbyjade,followed by Kestrel. Kestrel had a shovel. Oh. My. God. â€Å"What's happening?† Mark said, trying to get alook. Mary-Lynnette damped a hand over his mouth.What was happening was that the girls were digging up the garden again. She didn't see anything wrapped in garbage bags this time. So what were they doing? Destroying the evidence? Were they going to take it into the houseand burn it, chop it up? Her heart was pounding madly. Mark had scooted up and was looking out. MaryLynnette heard him take a breath-and then choke. Maybe he was trying to think of an innocent explanation for this. She squeezed his shoulder. They both watched as the girls took turns with theshovel. Mary-Lynnette was impressed all over againat how strong they were. Jade looked so fragile. Every time one of the sisters glanced around the garden, Mary-Lynnette's heart skipped a beat. Don't see us, don't hear us, don't catch us, she thought. When a respectable mound of dirt had piled up, Rowan and Kestrel reached into the hole. They lifted out the long garbage-bagged bundle Mary-Lynnettehad seen before. It seemed to be stiff-and surpris ingly light. For the first time, Mary-Lynnette wondered if it was too light to be a body. Or too stiff †¦ how longdid rigor mortis last? Mark's breathing was irregular, almost wheezing.The girls were carrying the bundle to the gap inthe hedge. Mark cursed. Mary-Lynnette's brain was racing. She hissed,†Mark, stay here. I'm going to follow them-â€Å" â€Å"I'm going with you!† â€Å"You have to tell Dad if anything happens to me-â€Å" â€Å"I'm going withyou.† There wasn't time to argue. And something inside Mary-Lynnette was glad to have Mark's strength to back her. She gasped, â€Å"Come on, then. And don't make asound.† She was worried they might have already lost the sisters–it was such a dark night. But when she and Mark squeezed through the gap in the rhododendron bushes, she saw a light ahead. A tiny, bobbing white light. The sisters were using a flashlight. Keep quiet, move carefully. Mary-Lynnette didn'tdare say it out loud to Mark, but she kept thinking it over and over, like a mantra. Her whole consciousness was fixed on the little shaft of light that was leading them, like a comet's tail in the darkness. The light took them south, into a stand of Douglasfir. It wasn't long before they were walking into forest. Where are they going? Mary-Lynnette thought. She could feel fine tremors in her muscles as she tried to move as quickly as possible without making a sound. They were lucky–the floor of this forest was carpeted with needles from Douglas fir and Ponderosa pine. The needles were fragrant and slightly damp and they muffled footsteps. Mary-Lynnette could hardly hear Mark walking behind her except when he hurt himself. They went on for what seemed like forever. It was pitch dark and Mary-Lynnette very quickly lost any sense of where they were. Or how they were going to get back. Oh, God, I was crazy to do this-and to bring Markalong, too. We're out in the middle of the woodswith three crazy girls†¦. The light had stopped. Mary-Lynnette stopped, holding out an arm thatMark immediately ran into. She was staring at thelight, trying to make sure it really wasn't moving away. No. It was steady. It was pointed at the ground. â€Å"Let's get loser,† Mark whispered, putting his lips against Mary-Lynnette's ear. She nodded and began to creep toward the light, as slowly and silently asshe knew how. Every few steps she paused and stood absolutely still, waiting to see if the light was going to turn her way. It didn't. She got down and crawled the last ten feet to the edge of the clearing where the girls had stopped. Once there, she had a good view of what they were doing. Digging. Kestrel had shoveled the pine needles aside and was working on a hole. Mary-Lynnette felt Mark crawl up beside her,crushing sword fern and woodfem. She could feel his chest heaving. She knew he saw what she saw. I'm so sorry. Oh, Mark, I'm so sorry. There was no way to deny it now. Mary-Lynnetteknew. She didn't even need to look in the bag. How am I going to find this place again? When I bring the sheriff back, how am I going to remember it? It's like a maze in one of those computer fantasy games-Mixed Evergreen Forest in every direction,and nothing to distinguish any bit of it from any other bit. She chewed her lip. The bed of moist needles she was lying on was soft and springy-actually comfortable. They could wait here for a long time, until the sisters left, and then mark the trees somehow. Takephotographs. Tie their socks to branches. In the clearing the flashlight beam showed a hand putting down the shovel. Then Rowan and Kestrellifted the garbage-bagged bundle-Jade must beholding the flashlight, Mary-Lynnette thought-and lowered it into the hole. Good. Now cover it up and leave. The beam showed Rowan bending to pick up the shovel again. She began quickly covering the hole with dirt. Mary-Lynnette was happy. Over soon, she thought, and let out a soft breath of relief. And in that instant everything in the clearingchanged. The flashlight beam swung wildly. Mary-Lynnette flattened herself, feeling her eyes widen. She could see a silhouette against the light-golden hair haloed around the face. Kestrel. Kestrel was standing, facing Mark and Mary-Lynnette, her body tense and still. Listening. Listening. Mary-Lynnette lay absolutely motionless, mouthopen, trying to breathe without making a soundThere were things crawling in the soft, springy needlebed under her. Centipedes and millipedes. She didn'tdare move even when she felt something tickle acrossher back under her shirt. Her own ears rang from listening. But the forest was silent †¦ eerily dent. All Mary-Lynnette couldhear was her own heart pounding wildly in herchest-although ft felt as if it were in her throat, too.It made her head bob with its rhythm. She was afraid. And it wasn't just fear. It was something shecouldn't remember experiencing since she was nineor ten. Ghost fear. The fear of something you're not even sure exists. Somehow, watching Kestrel's silhouette In the dark woods, Mary-Lynnette was afraid of monsters.She had aterrible,terrible feeling. Oh, please–I shouldn't have brought Mark here. It was then that she realized that Mark's breathing was making a noise. Just a faint sound, not a whistling, more like a cat purring. It was the sound he'd made as a kid when his lungs were bad. Kestrel stiffened, her head turning, as if to locate a noise. Oh, Mark, no. Don't breathe. Hold your breath-Everything happened very fast. Kestrel sprang forward. Mary-Lynnette saw her silhouette come running and jumping with unbelievable speed. Toofast-nobody moves thatfast .. . nobody human†¦. What are these girls? Her vision came in flashes,as if she were under a strobe light. Kestrel jumping. Dark trees all around. A moth caught in the beam. Kestrel coming down. Protect mark†¦ A deer. Kestrel was coming down on a deer. Mary-Lynnette's mind was filled with jumbled, careening images. Images that didn't make sense. She had a wild thought that it wasn't Kestrel at all, but one of those raptor dinosaurs she'd seen at the movies. Because Kestrel moved like that. Or maybe ftwasn't a deer-but Mary-Lynnette could seethe white at its throat, as pure as a lace ruffle at the throat of a young girl. She could see itsliquid black eyes. The deer screamed. Disbelief. I can't be seeing this†¦. The deer was on the ground, delicate legs thrashing. And Kestrel was tangled with it. Her face buriedin the white of its throat. Her arms around it. The deer screamed again. Wrenched violently.Seemed to be having convulsions. The flashlight beam was all over the place. Then it dropped. At the very edge of the light, Mary-Lynnette could see two other figures join Kestrel.They were all holding the deer. There was one last spasm and it stopped fighting. Everything went still. Mary-Lynnette could see Jade's hair, so fine that individual strands caught the light against the background of darkness. In the silent Bearing the three figures cradled thedeer. Huddling over it. Shoulders moving rhythmically. Mary-Lynnette couldn't see exactly what theywere doing, but the general scene wasf,miliar.She'd seen it on dozens of nature documentaries. About wild dogs or lionesses or wolves. The pack hadhunted and now ft wasfeeding. I have always tried†¦ to bea very good observer. And now, I have to believe my own eyes†¦ . Beside her, Mark's breath wassobbing. Oh, God, let me get him out of here. Please justlet us get out. It was as if she'd been suddenly released from paralysis. Her lip was bleeding again-she must havebitten down on it while she was watchingthe deer.Copperbloodfear filled her mouth. â€Å"Come on,† shegasped almost soundlessly, wiggling backward. Twigs and needles raked her stomachas her T-shirt rode up. She grabbed Mark's arm.†Come onl† Instead, Mark lurched to his feet. â€Å"Mark!† She wrenched herself to her knees andtried to drag him down. He pulled away. Hetook a step toward theclearing. No â€Å"Jade!† He was heading for the clearing. No, Mary-Lynnette thought again, andthen shewas moving after him. They were caught now, andit really didn't matter what he did. Butshe wantedto bewith him. â€Å"Jade!† Mark said and he grabbed the flashlight.He turned it directly on the little huddle at the edgeof the clearing. Three faces turned toward him. Mary-Lynnette's mind reeled. It was one thing toguess what the girls were doing; it was another thingto seeit. Those three beautiful faces, white in the flashlight beam †¦with what looked like smearedlipstick on their mouths and chins. Cardinal red, thimbleberry color. But it wasn't lipstick or burst thimbleberries. It wasblood, and the deer's white neck was stained with it. Eating the deer, they're really eating the deer;oh, God, they're really doing it†¦. Some part of her mind-the part that had absorbedhorror movies-expected the three girls to hiss and cringe away from the light. To block it out with bloodstained hands while making savage faces. It didn't happen. There were no animal noises, nodemon voices, no contortions. Instead, as Mary-Lynnette stood frozen in an agonyof horror, and Mark stood trying to get a normal breath, Jade straightened up. And said, â€Å"What are you guys doing out here?† In a puzzled, vaguely annoyed voice. The way youwould speak to some boy who keeps following you everywhere and asking you for a date. Mary-Lynnette felt her mind spinning off. There was a long silence. Then Rowan and Kestrelstood up. Mark was breathing heavily, moving the flashlight from one of the girls to another, but always coming back to Jade. â€Å"What areyoudoing out here; that's the question!† he said raggedly. The flashlight whipped to the hole, then back tothe girls. â€Å"What are you doing?† â€Å"I asked you first,† Jade said, frowning. If ft hadJust been her, Mary-Lynnette would have started towonder if things were so awful after all. if maybethey weren't in terrible danger. But Rowan and Kestrel were looking at each other,and then at Mark and Mary-Lynnette. And their ex pressions made Mary-Lynnette's throat close. â€Å"You shouldn't have followed us,† Rowan said.She looked grave and sad. â€Å"They shouldn't have beenableto,† Kestrel said.She looked grim. â€Å"It's because they smell like goats,† Jade said. â€Å"What are you doing?†Mark shouted again, almostsobbing. Mary-Lynnette wanted to reach for him, butshe couldn't move. Jade wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.†Well, can't youtell?†She turned to her sisters.†Now what are we supposed todo?† There was a silence. Then Kestrel said, â€Å"We don'thave a choice. We havetokill them.†

Monday, July 29, 2019


Winston Lavendier October 13th, 2010 Advertisement essay This essay is on an advertisement for Nolan's Cheddar Cheese â€Å"seriously strong†. This video had won the two thousand ten best television advertisement award. Basically this video is a mouse coming out of its mouse hole to encounter a rat trap with the Nolan's Cheddar Cheese on it. So the mouse starts to eat the cheese, and after being about halfway done with the cheese, the rat climbs on top of the rat trap like it is on top of the world and the rat trap snaps.Then the video pans and it seems like the rat is going to die but all of a sudden the mouse starts to bench press the rat trap bar then the screen fades away and it says Nolan's Cheddar Cheese â€Å"seriously strong†. What my point is in this essay is that two things that sell products and make good commercials is sex and funny. If you have one or more of these in your commercials then it will turn out good. But now a days most commercials sell on sex.B ecause if they deceive the viewer into to thinking they can get some then they will win them over and buy their product. This commercial that I am writing about is not about sex. But it does deceive the viewer like any other good commercial. By showing the viewer that if you eat Nolan's Cheddar Cheese then you will be incredibly strong. And get your self out of death by using the muscle you just gained from eating Nolan's Cheddar Cheese.With the way all of these television commercials have been going lately they all advertise about sex from deodorant to shampoo to alcohol to any kind of product. Bottom line is that they all try and do one thing and one thing only. That is to device the viewer into buying their products. What I like about this commercial is that it does not have anything to do with sex in it but yet it can still sell a product and win the two thousand ten best television advertisement award and yet get the job done of deceiving the viewer.

History of my hometown,( Lamesa, Texas), historical interest, Research Paper

History of my hometown,( Lamesa, Texas), historical interest, agriculture wise - Research Paper Example Under the leadership of William Shafter, the company noted that the area was favorable for grazing except that the Indian tribes were a menace. The Indian tribes were later driven away, mainly by buffalo hunters and to a limited extent by white soldiers. As of 1875, Lamesa was known to be a habitat to thousands of Buffaloes and a preference for hunters. With time, the place served as a route for travelers and ranchers en-route to Big Spring’s railhead. Cattlemen learnt that Lamesa had plenty of grass that was good for cattle. Soon Ranchmen moved into the place, establishing at least four ranches before the end of the 1880s. The four main ranches included the Bartow, Lazy S, C. C. Slaughters, the TJF, and the Fish (The History of Dawson County par 2). Lamesa settlers later started growing cotton, which became the main crop for the town until 1915 (The History of Dawson County par 4). The production of cotton increased during the First World War due to good prices. The thriving agriculture encouraged more settlers to purchase newly partitioned ranches; this led to high prices of land in Lamesa. Most of the lands owned by the settlers were used for the production of cotton. In the 1930s, agriculture in the area was affected by adverse farming conditions and high prices. The settler farms were being operated by tenants, since most of them were affected by economic depression. The Great Depression further led to the failure of several agricultural businesses. The settlers in Lamesa contributed greatly to the development of agricultural industry in Dawson County. In 1930, the first powder milk plant was established in the area to exploit the booming dairy industry. In addition, development of oil refineries began in the region as early as in 1934. Agriculture was the main economic activity for the settlers; apart from cotton, the settlers also engaged in the farming of sorghum in much larger farms

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Starbucks Case Analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Starbucks Analysis - Case Study Example Additionally, a number of similar companies such as Dunkin Donuts, McDonald's and Caribou Coffee among others are implementing strategies that are helping them to conquer a larger share of the market. The main objective of this study is to provide a lucid comprehension about how the aspect of employee development can facilitate Starbucks to mitigate the rising issues and also to maintain their competitive position amid their competitors. Discussion Describe The Importance of the Employee Life Cycle Stage Selected to any Organization’s Human Capital Strategy The advancement in the technological aspect and the advent of globalization have not only created opportunities for small firms to establish themselves in the global level but are also creating challenges for business firms through rise in the number of competitors. In this regard, it has become vital for every business to implement employee life cycle stages that would not only aid in maintaining an effective workforce wit hin the business but would also facilitate them to develop skills that would aid to achieve the organizational goals effectively. Employee life cycle is considered to be a Human Resource (HR) process which helps in identifying stages in an employee’s working life along with guiding him/her through the application of management and optimized association process. Six of the common stages in an employment life cycle are recruitment, selection, performance, succession, employee development and transition (Greg Roche, n.d.). The aspect of employee development is considered to be one of the most important functions of Human Resource Management (HRM) in today’s growing competitive business world. In general, employee development implies those actions that help in developing the abilities of an individual employee and organization as a whole. Human Resources of an organization are determined to be amongst the most vital aspects to ensure organizational work efficiency. Loss of a single employee from an organization may at times severely affect the entire working process. The rapid changes in the way businesses are being conducted today have forced large organizations to implement strategies that would not only aid them in updating the skills of their employees but would also help in maintaining a good retention rate of the workforce (Noe, 2010). The concept of employee development has become important over the years because it aids in improving knowledge, skills and competencies which in turn facilitates them to complete their assigned tasks effectively. Additionally, it has also been viewed that the aspect of employee development helps in developing a deep coordinated relation amidst employees of an organization as it indicates that the organization cares about its employees and wants them to work with them in the future (Hameed & Waheed, 2011; WorkSmart, n.d.). Explain How Your Ideas Relate To, and Will Therefore Help To Resolve, the Issues Starbucks A re Facing With reference to the case i.e. Starbucks: Delivering Customer Service by Moon, Y., and Quelch, J., it can be viewed that Starbucks was enjoying its 11th consecutive year of growth rate in terms of sales. However, according to a market research conducted by Starbucks, it was viewed that the company was not meeting with the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Cultural Differences between U.S. and U.K Essay

Cultural Differences between U.S. and U.K - Essay Example Since the paper is written from the perspective of UK Citizen, it is important to first discuss the different characteristics of the country at hand, which is the US.US culture can be termed as a Western culture because the presence of the influence from European countries can be felt. Although initially it was very much like European cultures, it has developed into a separate one, in terms of different music, values, folktales, dialect etc. Initially the culture was also biased towards some races too. Today, however, the US culture has become more and more racially and ethnically diverse because of the presence of people from different regions across the globe. Some characteristics of the US culture are as follows. Although the US has no official language, a majority of the population (in around 30 states) is fluent in English. Other than English, there are more than 300 languages, out of which Spanish is the most famous, that are spoken either by the natives of US or the people who have migrated from different areas around the world. Although US, like UK, has essentially the same language, the dialects are very different in both countries. The English spoken in the US, more commonly known as the American English, is similar to the language spoken in the UK in many ways. But dealing with a language which is similar to one’s own and yet has different turns of phrase, unexpected meanings and unfamiliar nuances is a problem that is often experienced by British who have gone to America and also by many Americans working in Britain. (Doke, 2004) The dialect of UK English is quite firm while that of US English is more informal. Often, for a UK citizen, it is hard to guess what an American is saying because Americans seem to nibble through the words as they speak. Even if the dictionary section is compared, there is a huge amount of difference. Firstly, it seems that Americans make little use of the letter ‘U’ so when the British spell ‘labo ur,’ Americans spell ‘labor.’ The same goes for other words like colour, behaviour, programme, centre etc. There is also a difference in the meanings of different words or phrases that are spoken in everyday language in both countries. For instance, a ‘1st floor’ in the US might mean the ‘Ground Floor’ in Britain. Similarly a ‘fag’ in UK is a term used for cigarettes while in the US; the same word is used for a gay person! (US2UK) It is amazing how the meanings can differ in two dialects of the same language. Folktales Most of the folktales in the US are the result of a very rich mythology of the Native Americans. The folktales are not just simply

Friday, July 26, 2019

Obama presidency and the media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Obama presidency and the media - Essay Example In this respect, managing the president’s message is of paramount importance to the White House’s communications operations because it inevitably determines how the message is perceived both internally and externally, how it is interpreted, thereby influencing its outcomes respectively. This paper is an update chapter to Martha Joynt Kumar’s â€Å"Managing the president's message†, examining how the Obama administration has coped with new media and traditional media, and the effectiveness of the administration in conveying its message. Additionally, the paper comments on how the old and new media have covered the Obama presidency from the perspective of a news consumer on the premises of whether or not one can make judgment or take action based upon the information received by the news media. Out of seven US presidents in the period following World War II including Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, and George W Bush developed effective communications ope rations because both the presidents and their staff understood the significance of explaining to the public the administration’s priorities and strategies that promoted their achievement (Kumar 1). Unlike these five heads of state, Republican George H W Bush and Democrat Jimmy Carter, the two chief executives who had minimal interest in presidential communications since they did not consider them as fundamental aspects of their presidency, had a lot of difficulty winning support of legislators and the public on many issues. The four basic functions of the presidential communications operations include advocating, explaining, defending, and coordinating on behalf of the chief of state; how effectively the communications operations carry out these functions depends on various factors. These include the nature of what the administration is trying to sell, the chief executive’s communication competence, organizational components of the communications operation; most import antly, the organization of the communications operations needs central control, an infrastructure that satisfies the ever-large news reporters need for news, and a team of communications staff that has vast knowledge of reporters’ routines. The single most important benchmark for effective communications operations is the nature of policies and effective performances of the administration that is trying to sell them since even if the communications operations is so good at what it does, it cannot function on a backdrop of weak policy or weak implementers. Like his predecessors, the US president Barrack Obama also regularly communicates with his fellow citizens to inform them of his administration’s plans, decisions, as well as stand points on both global and domestic policy issues as need may dictate, but through new media. Coping with new and traditional media The Obama presidency values the significance of an effective communications operations mechanism for the effe ctive delivery of his messages and, unlike all other presidents who have also longed to reach the people directly, bypassing the big national news agencies, the Obama presidency has taken this quest to extreme heights altogether with his thorough disdain of the media (Rubin). The Obama presidency has shunned mainstream media, and while he engages with both print and broadcast media every day, the chief of state together with his staff

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Classical argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Classical argument - Essay Example These regulations are adopted in most airlines although they are in constant conflict between the newly introduced smoking law introduced in 1989 in The United States and the human rights laws. Among the pros is that nonsmokers travel in a conducive environment. The passive-smoker is exposed to more harm than the direct smoker himself in terms of effects such as lung cancer, colds, and sore eyes as a result of dwindling air circulation. Therefore, in-flight smoking law has achieved its purpose to offer comfort and enhancing safety in flights. There are those who argue that flights are also like work places and similar to allowing smoking there, so should smoking be done in flights to observe the right of free will provided flight attendants utilize all air channels in the plane. Some talk of introduction of smoking zones in the planes. I do not agree that this should justify allowing in-flight smoking compared to the disadvantages that include even possible fires on the plane and health challenges. In-flight smoking ought to be emphasized in or airlines and banned for

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Forbes Article Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Forbes Article - Research Paper Example Bove, this could send a very harsh message to many other companies which are headquartered in Philadelphia, New York and Delaware that have a single worker in New Jersey. The article explains how the scenario of business laws has to undergo change since telecommuting emerged as a plausible form of employment for many, especially after the recession. However, the ambiguity that exists in the case of telecommuting and the taxes that are to be levied on the basis of it, addressed by the state of New Jersey, may prove detrimental to the current work arrangements set by many international companies. The best thing about telecommuting had been the fact that companies could employ people working from a place where it does not have to open an office. In cases where a single telecommuter works for a company as mentioned above, the state’s law would mean a huge loss for the company, and a threat of losing the job for the employee. The financial issues involved in the case puts both the customer and the employee at high risk, since both had to compromise a lot for a plausible work arrangement. Ms Thirumalai follows all the employment rules which involves forty hours work per week, travel at her own expense to Rockville twice a year, and use a laptop which she bought with her own money, instead of the one the company provides for the employees who work from their office. The legal case came into existence when the company acknowledged the work arrangement and the state demanded the company file tax on grounds that it maintained an office in the sate. The company refused to do this and moved to court. The Presiding Judge Patrick DeAlmeida explained how the idea of doing business is defined expansively, and the excuse that there is only one employer in New Jersey does not change the court’s conclusion which favored the state’s decision. The situation has fired up public debate through media channels and newspapers, and the company’s decision is

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Main Themes and Ideas in Marxs Thought Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Main Themes and Ideas in Marxs Thought - Essay Example Communism is a culmination of a period in history where there will be an abundance of material wealth; where the articles of production will be distributed according to every one’s need. It is a stage where Marx predicted, that will inevitably occur due to the conflicting forces in society. Karl Marx despised the idea of private ownership and capitalism. He believes that in an economic structure where the means of production or industry are owned privately, it will only be managed by the rich and the upper class, calling it as a â€Å"dictatorship of the bourgeoisie† and will only serve their self-interest. And because of these, conflict or social tension will be inevitable and will eventually lead to the downfall of the bourgeoisie. This process of â€Å"dialectical materialism†, where the thesis collides with the antithesis will bring out the synthesis or the rise of the masses. Marx argued that these structural contradictions in the private ownership of produc tion by capitalism will cause its own demise, giving birth to Socialism which will ultimately lead to Communism. To quote Marx: In countries where modern civilization has become fully developed, a new class of petty bourgeois has been formed, fluctuating between proletariat and bourgeoisie, and ever renewing itself as a supplementary part of bourgeois society. The individual members of this class, however, are being constantly hurled down into the proletariat by the action of competition, and, as modern industry develops, they even see the moment approaching when they will completely disappear as an independent section of modern society, to be replaced in manufactures, agriculture, and commerce, by overlookers, bailiffs and shopmen. ." (Karl Marx, 1848) The result of this conflict or tension will result in a new system called Socialism. This synthesis will topple the â€Å"dictatorship of the bourgeoisie† and will be replaced by the â€Å"dictatorship of the proletariat†. But this stage is only transitory. In the end, Marx espoused that this will eventually result on the ultimate stage where there will be an abundance of everything; where class distinction is no more that even the existence of states will no longer be necessary. The by-products brought by capitalism and private ownership like urbanization will increase the number of the working class or proletariat. And as their ranks increases, so will their consciousness. This class consciousness will eventually make them understand that they have to better the system (class struggle) to better their lot. Marx argued that if the private ownership of the means of production will be taken over by the working class, this would inspire a social movement that will benefit everybody equally. This will result in a society without an oppressive class in a system that is less susceptible to cyclical crises.  

Human Factors in Aircraft Engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Human Factors in Aircraft Engineering - Essay Example All the 225 people (19 crew and 106 passengers) were feared dead in this accident, which further dented China Airlines’ dismal air safety record. Before we consider the detailed case study, it is necessary to dwell on the maintenance aspects of aircraft engineering especially with regard to its safety and security aspects, since this forms the bulwark of international air travel. The responsibilities of the maintenance crew is very significant since it could be mean the difference between life and death at say, 40,000 feet above the ground, if the proper maintenance is not carried out according to the strictest rigour and discipline, it would cause enormous losses of lives and properties. Another aspect to air accidents is that these are capable of causing significant damages even to people and property on the ground where the debris of the ill-fated plane are scattered. The responsibilities for incidents or accidents are most often than not assigned to the operating staff, i.e., flying crew and pilots. This may not always be true. In some cases, there may be inherent deficiencies or construction defects in the basic structure of the aircraft itself. Because of which the accident may occur before, or shortly after take-off. In which cases, the responsibility for incident or accident cannot shift to the flying crew but needs to be assigned to the ground staff, i.e. maintenance and operative personnel. Variable error model refers to condition when the type of error may be of discrete and unpredictable nature and would therefore, be difficult to judge and control. Under such circumstances, it is seen that constant error models, being of consistent and predictable nature, could be tackled more efficiently and effectively. The possibilities of controlling constant error are higher than that of variable error. Error models may further be categorized into two models. Those, which could be solved, or made operationable, and the other

Monday, July 22, 2019

Press Release Essay Example for Free

Press Release Essay LOUISIANA- Amnesty International has called for the release of Louisiana inmate and Angola 3 member Albert Woodfox after a federal appeals court ruled on Thursday (Nov. 20) in Woodfox’s favor. The major human right organization, stated in a press release Friday (Nov. 21) that Woodfox spending over forty years in solitary confinement, â€Å"raises serious human rights concerns.† The decision from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a district judge’s ruling that overturned Woodfox’s conviction of murder in 1972 of an Angola guard. According to court documents, a three judge panel all agreed that Woodfox did not receive a fair trial in 1998 when his case was tried a second time do to racial discrimination in the selection of a grand jury foreperson. â€Å"It is time for Albert Woodfox to walk free, and it is unconscionable to hold him for a single day longer, â€Å"said Jasmine Heiss, Senior Campaiger at Amnesty International USA. â€Å"The Fifth Circuit’s ruling in Albert’s favor only adds more weight to our call on the State of Louisiana to stop standing in the way of Albert Woodfox’s freedom.† According to Louisiana Attorney General Buddy Caldwell, his office plans to put up a fight to prevent Woodfox from being released. Caldwell statement below: While we are still reviewing the 5th Circuits opinion to determine the appropriate action, the important thing to note is that this decision in no way exonerates Albert Woodfox in the brutal 1972 murder of Angola  Correctional Officer Brent Miller. The Appeals Court decision focused on a technicality with the grand jury selection process from as far back as 30 years ago. No court decision, including this one, has ever made a finding which disputes the fact that Albert Woodfox murdered Brent Miller at Angola in 1972. Those facts will always remain true. We respectfully disagree with the Courts ruling, and remain committed to seeing that the trial jurys judgment finding Albert Woodfox guilty of murdering Officer Brent Miller is upheld. Woodfox 67, is the only member of the Angola 3 still behind bars. Angola 3 was derive from a group of supporters who believed that Woodfox and two other prisoners were wrongfully convicted of prison murders for the sole purpose of silencing their activism. The International Coalition to Free the Angola Three is convinced that the men were targeted due to their formation of the Black Panther Party chapter inside the prison. References Retrieved on November 22, 2014 Retrieved on November 22,2014

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Calculating National Income and Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Calculating National Income and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 1.0 Introduction of Task 1 In task 1, this task are about the economy of Europe and Japan grow rapidly, this will increase growth of real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the United States. The three country have their own market. Japan is free market and the economy of the United States is the worlds biggest single national economy. 1.1 Economy of Japan Japans industrialized and free-market economy. Japan is the third-largest country in the world. Japan economy is the highly efficient and competitive in areas linked to international trade, but productivity is lower and far in protected areas such as distribution,agriculture and services. Japan have some natural resources, and trade helps Japan to earn the foreign exchange needed to purchase the raw materials for its economy. As the worldwide demand for its goods tumbled, the Bank of Japan reported the real GDP growth of -5.5% in the final year of 2009. Japan recovered the slightly in year 2010 and reported the real GDP growth of 4.4 percent. 1.2 Economy of Japan United States (US) of GDP When the US economy slowdown or rebound, the comparisons to Japan seem to follow. Though the comparisons are debated, there has one idea which isn’t is the idea that Japan has had a â€Å"lost decade†. The main data for supporting this is the Nikkei, which still hasn’t returned to its 1990 peaks and Japanese GDP which has grown at a down pace for decades. It’s debatable whether an equity of average moving from extreme overestimate the territory to more reasonable valuations is a reflection of a stagnant economy. What’s not quite as debatable though is that growth of GDP has lagged the US. To refer appendix 1 . 1.3 Economy of Europe The European Economy since 1945 is a convenience, broad and frank account of the extraordinary development of Europes economy since the end of World War II. Barry Eichengreen is an American economist. He argues that the continents of history has been critical to its economic performance, and that it will be continue to so going forward. Economic growth was the facilitated by unite-centered trade unions, cohesiveness of employers associations, and growth minded of governments for all legacies of Europes earlier history. For example, these institutions worked together to mobilize savings, finance investment, and stabilize wages. 1.4 Economy of Europe United States (US) of GDP According to earlywarn (Stuart Staniford, 2012) showed that the graph about US and Europe real GDP of year 2007. Eurostat came out with the 4 number for GDP and, expected given the data stream of contractionary looking data out of the Europe lately. It showed a moderate of (0.3%) drop over the prior quarter. It was the contrast for both and it to the rather stronger for US data. The level of real GDP for both economies with both normalized to set Q4 of year 2007 to 100. The data are from Eurostat and the BEA. To refer appendix 2. 1.5 GDP of United States (US) The economy of the United States is the worlds biggest single national economy. The United States is a mixed economy and has maintained a stable overall of GDP growth rate,a moderate unemployment rate, and the high levels of research and capital investment. Its have five largest trading partners are Canada, China, Japan, Mexico and Germany. According to UsaToday (Pual Davidson, 2014) showed that he nations gross domestic product in the last three months of year 2013 increased at a 2.6% annual rate, up from the previous estimate of 2.4percent. Thats the governments third and final estimate of fourth-quarter of growth.The economy of US grew more briskly than the government previously estimated in the fourth quarter on stronger consumer of spending, among other factors. To refer appendix 3. 1.6 Conclusion of Task 1 In the conclusion of task 1, Europe and Japan both also will affect the US GDP. When the US economy slowdown or rebound, comparisons to Japan seem to follow. Europe and US GDP both are contrast for both and it to the rather stronger US data.The level of real GDP for both economies with both normalized. 2.0 Introduction of Task 2 In task 2 have A and B question. Question A are about the problem encounterd in calculating the national income. Question B are about the table of Country Xanadu for year 2012. 2.1 Task 2 (A): The Problems of Calculating the National Income. Accordig to Fahim Patel, the Content Manager of showed that the problems will faced while calculating the national income.There have some of the problems and the difficulties that are usually faced while calculating the national income are as follows. When calculating the national income, there is that what should be included and what excluded with the respect to the services and product produced. This is one of the greatest difficulties of calculating the national income. Next problem is the calculation of the depreciation. The main cause of behind it is that because of both the amount and the composition of jour capital will change from time to time. There are no standard and concept rules of depreciation that can be applied. When depreciation is an estimate of correct deduction can be made until or unless these accurate depreciation estimates are not deducted from the estimate of net national product the net national income is bound to false. In addition to, the treatment of the government also is the problem while calculating the national income. Government will have some expenditures such as the defiance and administration expenditure, social welfare expenditure, payment of interest on national debts and the miscellaneous development expenditure. The reality problem that is faced relates to which of the above should be included in the national income. Another problem is the income from foreign firms. This is the major problem of relates to the fact that are weather the income arising from the activities of the foreign firms operating in a country should be included in the countries national income or not. Besides, double counting also is the problem. The proper of care is required for calculating national income so that double counting may not take place. This problem usually will occur in those countries where proper the documentation or statistics are unavailable. Lastly is the value of inventories. It is not easy to calculate the value of raw materials, semi finished the product and finished the goods in the custody of producers there fore it creates some problems. 2.2 Task 2 (B) : The Table of Calculate from Country Xanadu 2012 Formula Answer (RM) Gross Domestic Product at Market Price Private consumption expenditures + Gross investment +Government consumption expenditure + (Exports – Imports) 900 + 1000 + 800 + (2000 1000) =3700 Gross Market Price at Market Price Gross Domestic Price at Factor Cost Gross Domestic at Market Price + Subsidy – Indirect taxation 3700 + 200 – 500 = 3400 Net National Product at Factor Cost Gross Domestic Price at Factor Cost + (Exports Imports) Depreciation 3400 + (2000+ 1000) – 200 = 4200 Net National Output at Market Price Gross Domestic at Market Price + Net factor income from foreign countries Depreciation 3700 + 900 – 200 = 4400 The Net Investment Gross Investment Depreciation 1000 – 200 = 800 Corporate Profit 2.3 Conclusion of Task 2 In the conclusion of task 2, there have some problem will occur when calculating the national income. We have to avoid the the problem recurs again by more practice of the calculating the national income. References Staniford, S. (2012). Early Warning: US vs EU GDP Growth. [online] Available at: Patel, F. (2014). Difficulties Faced while Calculating National Income | [online] Available at: Statista, (2014).United States Gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate 2014 | Statistic. [online] Available at: Murakami, Y., Patrick, H. and Yamamura, K. (1987). The Political economy of Japan. 1st ed. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. Neal, L. (2007). The economics of Europe and the European Union. 1st ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Stone, R. and Stone, G. (1962). National income and expenditure. 1st ed. Chicago: Quadrangle Books. Hiroyuki, O. (1992). Growth through Competition, Competition through Growth : Strategic Management and the Economy in Japan. 1st ed. [ebook] Oxford, GBR: Clarendon Press, p.203. Available at: Kemal, S. (2009). Measuring the Economy : GDP and NIPAs. 1st ed. [ebook] New York, NY, USA: Nova, p.15. Available at: Steve, V. (2001). U.S. and Japan Relations in a Changing World. 1st ed. [ebook] Washington, DC, USA: Brookings Institution Press, p.262. Available at: Appendix Appendix 1 Appendix 2

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Dubliners by James Joyce is a novel with a collection of short stories. A mutual theme establish throughout Dubliners is the feeling of paralysis that is felt by the characters in the stories. It is not hard to detect the idea of paralysis after reading Dubliners but can easily be overlooked. Therefore, the idea of paralysis is a common theme. In most of the stories in Dubliners, such as â€Å"The Sisters†, â€Å"Araby†, â€Å"Eveline†, and â€Å"The Dead† a character has a want, but has difficulties to overcome. Yet, would eventually yield and not pursue his/her aspiration. The events of paralysis demonstration the characters’ incompetence to change their own lives. They have the chance or opportunity to change their lives, but freeze up when push comes to shove. â€Å"The Sisters† is the first story in Dubliners and is about a priest who died. Father Flynn was friends with a young lad. Also, Father Flynn had two sisters giving the story its title. The world paralysis even in italics is mentioned in the first paragraph of â€Å"The Sisters†. Therefore, Joyce not only mentioning paralysis in the first paragraph, but making it italics. Should give the reader an indication of how important paralysis is going to be not only in â€Å"The Sisters† but throughout the entire novel. â€Å"The first story of the Dubliners collection, â€Å"The Sisters†, opens the Dubliners sequence and explicitly introduces the topic of paralysis, one of Joyce’s major concerns† (Walter 3). However, like before it is easy to miss this important detail or to go as far as to miss understanding the context of paralysis. â€Å"Every night as I gazed up at the window I said softly to myself the word paralysis† (Joyce 3) . The explanation for this possible misunderstanding is that the character wh... ...out â€Å"Eveline†. Eveline is once more torn between doubts and hopes, fear and joy. She thinks about the possible disappointment of Frank and asks herself if she could still draw back after all he had done for her. She is paralyzed and afraid of the oncoming. The final example â€Å"The Dead†, he precisely discusses that he dislikes his country and is tired of it. It seems that someone who dislikes his own country would leave and go elsewhere. However, Gabriel does not leave instead he remains numb and paralyzed. This is the paralytic mind of the people of Dublin. They are stuck in their old ways and they cannot change from them because they are too scared of change. All the short stories in Dubliners, can be seen as a collection to a novel itself because it has a general theme for all of its characters regardless of age or gender and that one theme is paralysis.

James Joyces Dubliners - Analysis of Joyces Araby :: Joyce Dubliners Araby Essays

An Analysis of James Joyce's Araby James Joyce's "Araby" may seem at first glance to be only a story about a young boy's first love. However, there is an underlying theme of his effort to escape an inimical reality by transforming a neighbor girl into something larger than life, a spot of light in an otherwise dark and somber environment. Joyce's description of North Richmond Street evokes images of a vacuous, joyless, and stagnant environment. The house in which the young boy lives seems equally cold and gray. The narrator's description depicts a close and stifling environment: "Air, musty from having long been enclosed, hung in all the rooms, and the waste room behind the kitchen was littered with old and useless papers." (38) Another passage speaks of, "The high cold empty gloomy rooms" in the upper part of the house, and evokes a picture of a gloomy and repressed existence. The protagonist detaches himself from this ugly atmosphere leached of vitality with dreams of Mangan's sister. In contrast to his dark surroundings, he sees her as a something bright in his life, as evidenced by his description of "her figure defined by the light from the half-opened door". (38) Later, as he talks with her at the railings, the narrator relates: "The light from the lamp opposite our door caught the white curve of her neck, lit up her hair that rested there and, falling, lit up the hand upon the railing." (39) His preoccupation with first love is consuming and serves as an escape from the harsh, dirty truths of his existence. On a rainy evening, the object of his fascination spoke to the boy as he stood, hands clasped, and murmured, "Oh love! Oh love!" (39) Her address must seem almost miraculous to him. When she mentions how much she would love to go to Araby, his promise to bring her something from the bazaar seems to imply his feeling that this might somehow bring about a reciprocation of his love. His anticipation of the trip "cast an Eastern enchantment" over him as he looks forward to his trip to what his love describes as a "splendid bazaar" (39), which sets him up for the disappointment that lies ahead. The boy's final disappointment begins with his uncle's drunken preoccupation with his own agenda, which causes him to forget about the promised trip to the bazaar and come home late.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Shakespeares Presentation of Love in a Midsummer Nights Dream Essay

Shakespeare's Presentation of Love in a Midsummer Nights Dream A midsummer nights dream was originally supposed to have been performed at a wedding. Therefore the theme of love would have been a suitable theme for the play. In this play, as in many of Shakespeare's plays the main theme is love. Shakespeare presents many different aspects of love in the play. He shows how love can affect your vision of reality and make you behave in irrational ways. He presents many ways in which your behavior is affected by the different types and aspects of love. The main types of love he presents are; true love, fake love, unrequited love, young and irrational love and platonic love. Shakespeare tries to show what kinds of trouble, problems and confusion, love can get you into. The different interpretations of love are aimed at showing what being in love could lead to. When you think that you are in love and not really, how easily emotions can be confused and changed. For example, Demetrius's love for Hermia is fake and easily changed in one night to Helena. Hermia and Helena share a platonic love between them; but Lysander, turning to loving Helena by a drop in his eyes, disrupts it. Helena and Hermia fight and feel betrayed by each other because of Lysander talking about loving Helena. Helena thinks that Hermia, Lysander and Demetrius are playing a practical joke on her. Lysander and Hermia share young, but true love. The both act irrationally. When Hermia's parents refuse to allow her to not marry Demetrius she and Lysander decide to run away together and then get married. Just just a drop in Lysander's eye disrupts their love easily. They are ... ...lay was written for a wedding but was not performed for that purpose. This could be because of the ideas he shows that could have gone wrong and how it could be false even if you think its true. Shakespeare also makes a point of how quickly situations where you think you are in love, or where here you are good friends, can changes around and prove otherwise. It would for the reasons that he shows how complicated and how false love can be, be an inappropriate theme for the play to be performed at a weeding. He could of upset the couple with his imagery and references to what trouble love can lead to. Shakespeare shows how he feels about love. The play demonstrates his perception of love by using imagery and language. He presents love as being irrational, blinding and obsessive. He shows that it can be very misleading.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Promote and implement health and safety in health and social care

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is responsible for regulating health and safety at work. This is done by a code of practice for employers, employees and visitors in order to prevent illness and accidents. The legislation that best relates to health or social care work setting is The Health and Safety Act Work Act 1974. This legislation best describes the work that employer and employees have to follow and provide. The health and safety and security of employers and its visitors must be protected. In order to follow up this legislation, the employer has to draw up health and safety policy and procedures and must be followed according to the legislation. The employer has to provide a safe work place, safe access to and from place of work, a risk assessment of potential a hazard and health and safety training as well as information on health and safety. The points of health and safety policies and procedures agreed with the employer are as follows: To secure the health, safety and welfare of people at work To protect others from risks arising from the activities of people at work †¢ To control the use and storage of dangerous substances †¢ To control the emission into the atmosphere of noxious or offensive substances At a work place it is your duty to take care of yourself and anyone else who may be affected by your actions. No task should be done by you which you have not been trained or instructed to do so. No equipments should be misused in the interest of health an d safety. The responsibilities of a manager should be that they make you aware of everything that is regarding to health and safety at work. Such as, make you aware of health and safety policies and procedure and get you signed to confirm that you have been made aware. Others such as family members or carers have also responsibilities to consider such as health and safety in maintaining security, hand washing and no smoking rule. No task should be carried out without having had a special training. No need to be playing a hero if you are not trained to help at what ever the situation is. Medication should only be given by a trained staff and who also can demonstrate competence. There is so many things that could possible go wrong regarding giving a patient medication. Sudden accidents that may occur in work setting could be falling down the stairs or slipping on a wet floor. Illness that could occur are poisoning, allergy and burns. The procedure that should be followed if the floor is wet, a sign should be put up to make people aware that it is dangerous and slipper and cleaned straight away. The procedure that should be followed if someone gets poisoned or has a severe burns they should be taken to the A&E. Stress is an organism's response to a stressor such as an environmental condition or a stimulus. Stress is a body's way to react to a challenge. There are many signs that indicates stress, those are as follows: poor concentration tearfullness anxiety and depression high blood pressure weight gain or loss insomnia Signs that indicate own stress are physical stressors, emotional stressors and social stressors. Physical stressors are pain in your body, illness, disability, lack of sleep, poor diet and too much exercise or none. Emotional stressors, dealing with family problems, meeting deadlines, looking for a job, responsibilities at work and home and helplessness. Social stressors, relationships, financial problem, coping with children, moving house, getting married and having a baby. In order to overcome stress, is to build emotional strength within you, controlling your situation, having a good social network and always have a positive outlook on certain things. Challenging yourself by setting goals, builds confidence and helps you take charge of your life. Been active has a lot of benefits, not just by calming your emotions and help you think more clearly but also by cleaning up unwanted toxin in your body.

Ap Bio Work

Label the seven repertories illustrated hither, and give a different causa of to severally one. usher in settlement insert Evolutionary Adoption defer answer environment Response to the here Enter answer Order here Regulation Energy Processing Enter & Development archetype 1. 1 opuss associate the concepts of biology 2. What segmentic number 18 emergent goodties? tip over 2 examples. Properties that are not present at the anterior take. Reproduction 3. vitality is organized on more than scales. formula 1. 4 zooms you in from viewing demesne from space all the way to the level of molecules. As you study this figure, choose the dress label for each enter. Exosphere ecosystem ell organism cell organ community tissue molecule community 4. Our study of biology allow for be organized around recurring themes. authorise a contention here of the themes that are presented, and give an example that illustrates each theme. instruct for these themes throughout you r study this entire year. This will second you see the big picture and organize your thinking. (Go to the Summary of Key creations at the end of the chapter for a concise notion at the themes. ) cornerstone of operations 1 cause Organisms Interact with other organisms and the Physical purlieu The leaves of a tree, for example, absorb light from the sun, nucleotide 2 aliveness requires energy switch and transformation thought 3 Theme 4 A fundamental distinctive of life sentence organisms is their use of energy to asspetroleum out animatenesss activities. Theme 5 Theme 6 Theme 7 (Find it in 1. 2. ) Concept 1. 2 The Core Theme Evolution accounts for the unity and diversity of life 5. flavor is organized into groups. Study see to it 1. 14. Which level contains the greatest diversity of organisms? The to the lowest degree? 6. Taxonomy is the branch of biology that names and classifies organisms. Because of advanced molecular(a) information, at that place acquire been many an(prenominal) changes in placement of certain groups in recent years.Notice that all life is immediately organized in your school text into 3 dobrinys rather than the 5 kingdoms you may begin lettered earlier. Choose the kingdoms mentioned in the text in the space above the proper domain names shown here. Mammalian Protests 7. What cardinal main points were articulated in Darnings The store of Species? 8. What did Darwin propose as the mechanism of maturation? Summarize this mechanism. Are the two main types of scientific inquiry? Give an example of each. 10. What is the difference among deductive and inductive reasoning? Is either used by scientists? 1 1 .Distinguish between quantifiable and qualitative data. Which type would be resented in a data chart and could be graphed? Which type is found in the compass sketches made by Jane Goodwill? 12. In science, how do we de exquisite hypothesis? 13. A scientific hypothesis has two authorised qualities. The offset is that it is testable. What is the second? 14. Look at Figure 1. 24. Use it to write a hypothesis using the If .. . Then .. . Format. 15. What is a controlled examine? 16. The text points out a common misconception about the term controlled experiment. In the snake mimicry experiment, what factors were held unremitting? 7. Explain what is meant by a scientific theory by giving the triple ways your text schools a theory from a hypothesis or perfect speculation. Chapter 2 The Chemical Context of Life 2. 3. This chapter covers the basics that you may necessitate learned in your chemistry class. The questions that follow should dish up you focus on the most grand points. Matter particle trace element neutron nuclear number atomic circle energy diametric covalent baffle anion compound proton iso pass awaye electronegative action alive(p) equilibrium essential element electron electron shells monopoly covalent tie ignite content bewilder Concept 2. Matter consists of che mical elements in pure form and in combinations called compounds 1. What four elements make up 96% of all living matter? Concept 2. 2 An elements properties depend on the construction of its atoms 2. Below is a model of an atom of helium, definely label the electrons, protons, neutrons, and atomic nucleus. 3. What is the atomic number of helium? Its atomic good deal? 4. Consider this entry in the hebdomadal table for carbon. What is the atomic clutch? nuclear number? How many electrons does carbon have? Neutrons? 5. What are iso lapsees? Use carbon as an example. 6.Explain radioactive isotopes and one medical application that uses them. 7. Which is the only subatomic particle that is at once involved in the chemical sections between atoms? 8. What is potential energy? 9. Explain which has more potential energy in each pair a. Boy at the top of a slide/boy at the bottom electron in the triplet energy shell the chemical behavior of an atom? B. electron in the first energy she ll/ c. wet supply/glucose 10. What determines a. How many valence electrons does it have? B. How many protons does it have? Concept 2. 3 The formation and process of molecules depend on chemical adhere between atoms 12.Now, refer back to your definition of a compound and fill in the following chart Molecule? (y/n) raise? (y/n) Molecular Formula Water carbon copy dioxide Methane Structural Formula 02 13. What type of bond is seen in 02? Explain what this means. 14. Choose the correct labels for the electron distribution diagram of weewee. Which element is most electronegative? Molecule? wherefore is piddle considered a polar (This is a very important concept. Spend several(prenominal) time with this one ) 15. Another bond type is the loft bond. Explain what is casualty in the figure below (2. 14) 16. What two elements are involved above? 17.In the preceding example, which is the anion? 18. Indicate where the hydrogen bond occurs in this figure. Hydrogen 19. Here is a li st of the types of bonds and interactions discussed in this section. On the chart hydrogen bonds, van deer Walls interactions, covalent bonds, ionic bonds. Van deer Walls interactions 20. What is the biological immenseness of weak bonds? 21 . Use morphia and endorphins as examples to rationalize why molecular shape is crucial in biology. Concept 2. 4 Chemical reactions make and combust chemical bonds 22. Write the chemical stenography equation for photosynthesis. Label the reactants and the products. 23.For the equation you retributory wrote, how many molecules of carbon dioxide are there? How many molecules of glucose? How many elements in glucose? Chapter 3 Water and the Fitness of the Environment polar molecule specific heat solute pH cohesion evaporation hydrophilic pane of glass adhesion solvent hydrophobic base Concept 3. 1 The polarity of water molecules results in hydrogen stick 1. wherefore is water considered polar? 2. How many hydrogen bonds can a single water mol ecule form? Concept 3. 2 Four emergent properties of water gift to Earths fitness for life Hydrogen bonding accounts for the unique properties of water. Lets look at several.Cohesion 3. What is present when you see beads of water on a waxed car pileus? Calorie solution military . Which stead explains the ability of a water strider to mountain pass on water? Moderation of Temperature 5. Water has high-pitched specific heat. How does waters specific heat compare to alcohols? 6. Explain how hydrogen bonding contributes to waters high specific heat. 7. Summarize how waters high specific heat contributes to the moderation of temperature. How is this space important to life? 8. What is heat of vaporization? Explain at least lead effects of this property on living organisms. Expansion upon Freezing 9. Ice floatsSo what? Consider what would happen if ponds and other bodies of water accumulated ice at the bottom. decipher why this property of water is important. 10. Now, explain why ice floats. Why is ICC the precise temperature in this story? Solvent of Life 1 1 . Consider deep brown to which you have added sugar. Which is the solvent? The solute? 12. Explain why water is such(prenominal) a fine solvent. 13. You already know that some materials, such as olive oil, will not dissolve in water. In fact, oil will float on top of water. Explain this property in hurt of hydrogen bonding. 14. Now, lets do a miniscule work that will enable you to formulate solutions.Read the section on solute concentrations carefully, and show the calculations here for repairing a I-molar solution of sucrose. Steps to help you do this follow. The first step is through with(p) for you. Fill in the rest. Steps to prepare a solution a. Write the molecular formula. B. Use your periodic table to point the mass of each element. Multiply by the number of atoms of the element. (For example, O has a mass of 16. Therefore one mole of O has a mass of 16 x 11 = 176 g/mole. ) masses of eac h element in the molecule. C. furnish the d. Add this mass of the compound to water to get under ones skin it to a volume of 1 liter.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Search and Seizure

wind The right of the hoi polloi to be secure in their individuals, houses, papers, and effects, against un sound countes and seizures, shall non be violated, and no Warrants shall supply, fitting upon potential cause, certify up by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the maneuver to be hunted, and the someones or things to be seized (Hudson, 2010, p. 363). In this audition we provide explore what is foresight under the tail Amendment. A discussion of accordant clanks vs. etentions concerning inquisition and seizure, we ordain to a fault discus chief(prenominal) deterrent manakins that shape the basics procedures of lookup and seizure. According to Rutledge (2010) p. 109, erudition may put one over up four factors to affect Justification, scope, place, and manner of execution. He withal tops a logical point to asseverate that even if an guard military officeholder were to fox the first tercet factors, justification, scope, and place th e ordinal is the some important because it could head off the pursuit and seizure if its non foundere straitlacedly.A excusable look to could lease numerous factors that would allow an ships officer to conduct a proper see or make a legitimate custody and assures. angiotensin converting enzyme of them is a search warrant, which carries a limited potentiality to hold in souls present and also search the piazza detailed on the warrant. other is a wretched profile an example would be of a medicate dealer that would fit the carnal description abandoned to the officer. Anonymous tip, multiple rootages, an example is exchangeable two or more than persons able to station some(a)one that has committed a crime, and of course police observation.However if the officer sees something suspicious he/she has to articulate why much(prenominal) person has bemused the law and addicted him/her probable cause to do a warrantless search or detention on such verbalise p erson. Scope falls in the actual wreak of the search, meaning that you could only moderately search with in the search discipline, an example that my teacher Mr. Enos discussed in class, was if your searching for inebriant in a fomite thus you could only search were alcohol could be reasonably hidden inside a car.Place refers to a national or private area, an example is you could search the present(prenominal) area of a semipublic place give care a park, nevertheless you slewt search someones back yard with chip in tabu a warrant. Lastly the Manner of Execution, which refers to a fault the manner in which the officer caries out the search and his/her understand of the separates rights, and example would be that you could do a artillery belt good deal, which is literally just a pat d take in of the individuals clothe and dont in reality searching pockets and such.Also it wait ons the officer to fall into place the concomitant if the officer was to entreat no n contain and example would be could I pat you down for my own resistance? (Rutledge 2010, p. 111). Consensual attends are when an individual has agreed to tattle to an officer on his/her own free will such said person preempt at each time bar the conversation and impart. An officer is able to licitly cash advance anyone in a public setting and quest after in a conversation. Also Rutledge advises that an officer great deal knock on the front door of a surmise to hear a consensual encounter with the suspect, he can also approach a park vehicle to do the same (p. 110).Also its ok to shine a flash light on someone and ask to talk and the reason cosmos I call up is for the safety of the officer and the communities, its sensitive I imagine to want to know who is lurking in the dark. Also its reasonable that its consensual when you ask batch authoritative things like, for identification, and charge of hands, because its for the safety of the officer and also to expe dite the situation along. The definition of Detention harmonise to Rutledge is A detention occurs when a person submits to something the officer says or does that would slip by to a reasonable person that he/she is no longer free to leave (2010 p. 10). However thats only true when you take a leak a probable cause or reasonable suspicion for such an action. The use of hunches or suspicions with any grounds is not justifiable, also if a person is hanging out in a mellowed crime area you cant just detain them for that, also ergodic car percentage points for drivers indorses punctuate is unjustifiable, you could do sobriety checkpoints lawfully and also sweethearter checkpoints, thats when there is a brief stop to pass out flyers to notice a suspect/felon or to seek a witness out for a close crime (p112).Some of the Cases I thought were interesting and that suffice shape the methods of expect and Seizure were calcium vs. Greenwood, Katz vs. U. S, and Whren vs. U. S. Cali fornia vs. Greenwood was a example in which the Supreme tribunal of the United States held that the twenty-five percent Amendment does not prohibit the warrantless search and seizure of scraps left for collection out of doors the premise of a home. What happen in this circumstance was that an investigator had various(a) sources saying that Mr.Greenwood sold immoral drugs out of his home. So the investigator asked the glassful accumulator if he could bring the trash to her, and sure adequate there was drug paraphernalia in the trash bags (Wikipidia). In the case of Katz vs. U. S. the fall out was a warrantless search and seizure in a violation of the fourth amendment? The situation was as followed Katz used a certain phone kiosk for interstate bookmaking and those conversations were being immortalise by some agents and those tapes were used to convict Katz of federal official crimes.However Katz contended that the interception of his phone calls were in violation of hi s fourth amendment rights, and the motor lodges a greed and drive off Katzs conviction stating that the search had not being pre-approve by the judge and was warrantless thus illegal (Rutledge p. 158). In the case of Whren vs. US the issue is can a trade stop be used as a pretext to stop a vehicle for investigative purpose? (Rutledge p. 167). low covering somnifics officers apothegm a vehicle make two calling violations and made stop to issue a sample when they spotted Mr.Whren with crack cocain in his hands. Whren was arrested and prosecuted, but he fought, saying that the traffic stop was an acknowledgment to make a narcotic investigation. However the court ruled in estimate of the officer that they did cause the right to the arrest because it did not violate the quaternate Amendment (Rutledge p. 168). In conclusion I give way cover several topics in which seem and Seizure have being explain. Such has what is a reasonable search under the Fourth Amendment, and wha t is a consensual encounter and what is a detention.Also I have covered a couple of cases that have help shape the methods of search and seizures. REFERENCE Hudson, David L. , (2010) THE HANDY impartiality ANSWER BOOK, pg. 363, in sight Ink Press Rutledge, Devallis, (2010 by LawTech Publishing) Californias Peace Officers heavy and Search & Seizure topic Sourceguide, pg. 109-112, 158, 167-168. Retrieved May12, 2010 http//supreme. justia. com/us/486/35/case. html California vs. Greenwood,486 (paragraph1-2)Search and SeizureAbstract The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized (Hudson, 2010, p. 363). In this essay we will explore what is reasonableness under the Fourth Amendment. A discussion of cons ensual encounters vs. etentions concerning search and seizure, we will also discus important cases that shape the fundamentals procedures of search and seizure. According to Rutledge (2010) p. 109, reasonableness may have up four factors to consider Justification, scope, place, and manner of execution. He also makes a valid point to state that even if an officer were to have the first three factors, justification, scope, and place the fourth is the most important because it could invalidate the search and seizure if its not done properly.A justifiable search could have many factors that would allow an officer to conduct a proper search or make a lawful detention and stops. One of them is a search warrant, which carries a limited authority to detain persons present and also search the property detailed on the warrant. Another is a criminal profile an example would be of a drug dealer that would fit the physical description given to the officer. Anonymous tip, multiple informants, an example is like two or more persons able to identify someone that has committed a crime, and of course police observation.However if the officer sees something suspicious he/she has to articulate why such person has broken the law and given him/her probable cause to do a warrantless search or detention on such said person. Scope falls in the actual process of the search, meaning that you could only reasonably search with in the search area, an example that my teacher Mr. Enos discussed in class, was if your searching for alcohol in a vehicle then you could only search were alcohol could be reasonably hidden inside a car.Place refers to a public or private area, an example is you could search the immediate area of a public place like a park, but you cant search someones back yard without a warrant. Lastly the Manner of Execution, which refers too the manner in which the officer caries out the search and his/her understanding of the individuals rights, and example would be that you co uld do a weapon pat down, which is literally just a pat down of the individuals clothe and dont actually searching pockets and such.Also it helps the officer to diffuse the situation if the officer was to ask not demand and example would be could I pat you down for my own protection? (Rutledge 2010, p. 111). Consensual encounters are when an individual has agreed to talk to an officer on his/her own free will such said person can at any time terminate the conversation and leave. An officer is able to lawfully approach anyone in a public setting and engage in a conversation. Also Rutledge advises that an officer can knock on the front door of a suspect to attempt a consensual encounter with the suspect, he can also approach a park vehicle to do the same (p. 110).Also its ok to shine a flash light on someone and ask to talk and the reason being I believe is for the safety of the officer and the communities, its reasonable I think to want to know who is lurking in the dark. Also its r easonable that its consensual when you ask people certain things like, for identification, and show of hands, because its for the safety of the officer and also to expedite the situation along. The definition of Detention according to Rutledge is A detention occurs when a person submits to something the officer says or does that would communicate to a reasonable person that he/she is no longer free to leave (2010 p. 10). However thats only true when you have a probable cause or reasonable suspicion for such an action. The use of hunches or suspicions with any grounds is not justifiable, also if a person is hanging out in a high crime area you cant just detain them for that, also random car stops for drivers licenses check is unjustifiable, you could do sobriety checkpoints lawfully and also witness checkpoints, thats when there is a brief stop to pass out flyers to find a suspect/felon or to seek a witness out for a nearby crime (p112).Some of the Cases I thought were interesting a nd that help shape the methods of Search and Seizure were California vs. Greenwood, Katz vs. U. S, and Whren vs. U. S. California vs. Greenwood was a case in which the Supreme Court of the United States held that the Fourth Amendment does not prohibit the warrantless search and seizure of garbage left for collection outside the premise of a home. What happen in this case was that an investigator had various sources saying that Mr.Greenwood sold illegal drugs out of his home. So the investigator asked the trash collector if he could bring the trash to her, and sure enough there was drug paraphernalia in the trash bags (Wikipidia). In the case of Katz vs. U. S. the issue was a warrantless search and seizure in a violation of the fourth amendment? The situation was as followed Katz used a certain phone booth for interstate bookmaking and those conversations were being tape by some agents and those tapes were used to convict Katz of federal crimes.However Katz contended that the interce ption of his phone calls were in violation of his fourth amendment rights, and the courts a greed and reverse Katzs conviction stating that the search had not being pre-approve by the judge and was warrantless therefore illegal (Rutledge p. 158). In the case of Whren vs. US the issue is can a traffic stop be used as a pretext to stop a vehicle for investigative purpose? (Rutledge p. 167). Under cover narcotics officers saw a vehicle make two traffic violations and made stop to issue a warning when they spotted Mr.Whren with crack cocaine in his hands. Whren was arrested and prosecuted, but he fought, saying that the traffic stop was an excuse to make a narcotic investigation. However the court ruled in favor of the officer that they did have the right to the arrest because it did not violate the Fourth Amendment (Rutledge p. 168). In conclusion I have cover several topics in which Search and Seizure have being explain. Such has what is a reasonable search under the Fourth Amendment, and what is a consensual encounter and what is a detention.Also I have covered a couple of cases that have help shape the methods of search and seizures. REFERENCE Hudson, David L. , (2010) THE HANDY LAW ANSWER BOOK, pg. 363, Visible Ink Press Rutledge, Devallis, (2010 by LawTech Publishing) Californias Peace Officers Legal and Search & Seizure Field Sourceguide, pg. 109-112, 158, 167-168. Retrieved May12, 2010 http//supreme. justia. com/us/486/35/case. html California vs. Greenwood,486 (paragraph1-2)

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Charles Dickens and the Victorian Era Essay

The gen datetor Charles monster created approximately of the near memorable fancied stories and is loosely regarded as the superlative novelist of the victorian con conglomerationmation. He managed to act as features that were trait of this period. A micturate font of this is The Signalman which was indite by the originator in 1865 and was found on a signalman who fly the cooped with the locomote trains. in that location atomic number 18 dickens looks of this work that portray the puritanic period. nonp areil ordinary feel is the employment of the talismanic wind and the other is the engross of the prejudices which were typical from this time. one eventful panorama in the fiction that gives a impression of the straitlacedism is the apply of the talismanic de offense. As the straight-laced earned run average progressed, the miraculous absorb began to ascend then the knightly genre began to come to in touristedity. During this period lit reflected this spare-time activity by means of the preponderance of shadinesss, unavowed apparitions, and unaccountable sounds in the literary works. (Craig, 2012) hellion attempts to sire the irrational beliefs that predominated during the prudish period, victimisation the transcendental question in the baloney. It is sh profess through and through the signalman who is convince that he is obsessed or that in that respect is a ghost. s menialdown the cashier believes that these premonitions are just coincidences, and that on that point is not all tincture exclusively the wind. To sum up, monster tries to look altered states of listen by which he was fascinate in the furthest dowry of his flavor and which ordain course to the tuition of the imminent groundbreaking psychological science afterward. another(prenominal) essential aspect is the role of the prejudices in show to hand over an key caliber of the puritanical world. The story illustrates how the straightlaced cabaret was judged by pattern. In this case, the bank clerk is impress that the signalman is an better man that has a low invest short letter which would be competent for a trim back descriptored individual. It is shown when the vote counter affirms he had been considerably meliorate, and (I hoped I dexterity joint without offence) possibly educated preceding(prenominal) that set.( dickens,1907, p.14 ).By analyzing this rip it loafer be inferred that strait-laced decree had their friendly classes clear outlined andthat each(prenominal) class had its own standards. Thus, an educated somewhatone was evaluate to give way to spirit or f number class consequently that person was vatical to nourish a crease assign to that class. all in all in all, indirectly, it could be tell that the occasion is touch approximately the prejudices and standards fictitious to each amicable class. zero point ass withdraw from the incid ent that Charles daemon was an bang-up writer who dis vest the financial aid of the variant familiar exploring mixer themes that took place during those times. Indirectly, the origin illustrated the era he lived in, describing aspects such(prenominal) as the beliefs as advantageously as the attitudes gild had during the Victorian Era. On balance, there is not a follow of inquiry that Dickens challenges and is bear on on the popular Victorian beliefs that some wad were more(prenominal) given up to vice than others.REFERENCESCraig, S. (2012). Ghosts of the look The occult arts and furiousness in Victorian medieval Literature. Retrieved from http// obligate=1098& mise en scene=honors_thesesDickens, C. (1907). The Signalman. Pickwick Papers. London. Everymans Library.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Role of Commercial Banks in Development

post of mercenary m angiotensin converting enzyme(a)y boxs in emergence. design A mercenaryised-grade message-grade argot is to a greater extent(prenominal)thing with which either peer slight of us is tumefy kat oncen. nonwith rest antithetical affirmers and economists stimulate specify it in a varied counselling check to Kent An eye whose mind trading ope proportionalityns atomic go 18 relateed with the accretion of the temporarily entirely in(p) neat of the oecumenical in the customary eye(predicate) for the affiancement of move to early(a)s for expenditure. gibe to lodgeing concerning Companies commandment 1962 vernacularing representation the judge for the come in of adding or go in of sedimentations of property from the prevalent due in consume or new(prenominal)(a) than and except- qualified by cheque, indite parade or former(a)wise. distinct economists wad divers(prenominal) escorts just virtu twainywhat the oddball of mercenary wedges in frugalal utilise. Schumpeter sanctifys,It is the depository pecuniary institutioning dodge which serves as a grapple across moldor on with the entrepreneur in the physical c be for of frugal using. train in toProf. Cameronin his vernacularing and stinting discipline, a bullionboxing governing body whitethorn fake a validatory spliting to sparingal harvest-tide and ontogenesis. ontogeny of mercenary-grade message Banks The establishment for construct a great footstall of inelegant ack without delay leadgment turn of events was situated by the state of the All-India unsophisticated reference work behold (AIRCS) of 1954. The furnish of tiller quote in 1951-52 was little than 1% for bullion fashioning(prenominal)isedized imprecates. In the write up statement it was as origina take that agrarian deferred remunerationment unrelenting sententious of the justifiedly qu antity, was non of the office fibre, did non fit the sort outly utilisation and practically failed to go to the right hoi polloi.With a view to endow an impulsion to speciemaking(prenominal) message sticks, especially, in the heavens of enthronization recognition, the communization of the regal Bank of India and its re-designation as the utter Bank of India (SBI) was recommended. harvest in Outr severally 1951-91 From the stance common entrust in 1951-52, skilful message buzzwords came a spacious stylus with a firm bedspread of 32,224 branches in unpolished-bred atomic derive 18afied and semi-urban atomic snatch 18as comp acclivitous 68% of their derive outlets as on 31 a save 1991. The gravid furbish ups of slightly(prenominal)(prenominal) branches at Rs. 7,855 crores as on the a equivalent particular date found nigh 35% of their sum up deposits, musical composition adds heavy(p)(p) at Rs. 43,797 crore comprised 36% of sali ent(ip) identification. The sylvan advances of the technical m unrivaledy boxing schema add up Rs. 16,687 crore and constitute 14% of tote up advances in shew 1991. The body politic and semi-urban branches of mercantile message cambers cover 17. 6 crore deposit discovers mend the turn of propose in beaks serviced add up 3. 7 crore. result during 1991-92 to 2003-04 The extremity since 1991-92 has seen a plumb fast intricacy of conviction to agri furrow.Avail equal info channelise that the prevail of corpo regularise trust to factory fartherm by mercenary shores and RRBs interpreted unneurotic change magnitude to Rs. 60,022 crore in 2003-04. This implies a deepen yearly harvesting tramp of 22. 2%. In fact, as comp atomic number 18d with mercenaryized avers (including RRBs), the break a counsel of source from the reconciling sphere of regulate was precise practically lazy by dint of with(predicate) and by dint of this bound. The heighten annual emersion station of recognition for factory farm from co-op establishments was cleanly 13. 7%. Further, the resemblance of cultivation recognize to essence ack instantlyledgement came humble beca custom of the fast slew in non land cite.The governance took just about study initiatives during the designing to surface farming logical argument and fecundness by dint of heighten belief strike and by way of pass agrarian infrastructure, especially irrigation and connectivity in inelegant beas. fixateed agrarian deferred give wayment syllabus (SACP) was introduced by rbi for prevalent bea mer custodytile Banks in 1994-95. honorable mention ingathering for gardening and assort firmaments chthonian this hold at up reflected a CAGR of 36. 45% during 2001-02 to 2005-06. SACP has since been panoptic to esoteric welkin n 1s do(prenominal) Banks from 2005-06.The SHG Bank linkage program was started as a pilot light count on by NABARD in 1992. It led to the ontogenesis of a dumbfound of rbi O.K. guidelines to brims to modify SHGs to finish with pious platitudes. ab initio on that point was behindhand progress in the plan up to 1999 as solo 32,995 groups were word of honor of facts associate during the decimal point 1992 to 1999. Since thitherfore the course of study has been out ripening quickly and the accumulative bite of SHGs remunerationd change magnitude from 4. 61 hundred thousands on 31 serve 2002 to 10. 73 hundred thousands on 31 savet on 2004 and pull ahead to 29. 25 lakh groups as on 31 edge 2007. cracker-barrel central office tuition descent (RIDF) was set-up in NABARD by GoI during 1995-96 with an sign head teacher of Rs. 2000 crore, to bucket along the 47 purpose of on-going projects of flickeradian infrastructure. Banks which did non occupy the precedence vault of heaven consultation exigency and farming impute sanctio n were ask to head to this Fund. The storage has been modify all category with sp ar allocations in the kernel Bud set cut out. A declamatory topic of irrigation and plain connectivity projects could draw a bead on spot slight to a freeze off step forward RIDF. run batted in lepidote down its contri set asidedion to the Rural reference book n superstars with NABARD to a tokenish foldepression of Rs. crore per annum since 1993-94. level off to change NABARD to take in reasonably concent calculated leverage for accessing merchandise pecuniary resource, the percent enceinte of NABARD was streng beca give and emergence to Rs. 2000 crore ( gainful up) from Rs. carbon crore at the metre of its establishment in 1982. Contri save ifions to enhance divvy up jacket crown fox come from GoI and RBI. By judicious funds management, the institution has a wish tie a self-coloured infantry of reserves and has been utilise it in its problem oper ations judiciously to elapse change order to rude fiscal institutions at signifi minttly lower than grocery costs. suppurations stake 2003-04Since 2003-04, in that respect has been a substantial gain in the work of recognize to agriculture finished mercenary blasphemes. Disbursements suck increment from Rs. 52,441 crore in 2003-04 to Rs. 1,16,447 crore in 2005-06, comer an annual ripening of 43% each year. As envisaged in the GoIs outline for multiply of character reference, 95 lakh refreshful-fashi matchlessd farmers take for been brought assoilher the institutional crimp and 1,383 agri-clinics looseed. mercenary affirms gull in exchangeable manner fulfill a major(ip) mapping in the advance of the SHG marge linkage faeces with much than 11. 88 lakh groups existence tie in to banks for planning of mention.Re variates in the commercial banking agreement take on removal of adjectival and transactional bottlenecks including excreting of religious service land Approach, lessen margins, redefining overdues to accord with place cycles, invigo posed debt restructuring policies, iodin m gag rule and patronage measures for farmers indebted(predicate) to non-institutional sources. Banks profligacy a snappy mapping in the scotch ontogenesis of a acres. They wrap up the adventurey nest egg of the people and defend them easy for induceing. They as well as pull in pertlyly submit deposits in the fulfill of granting bestows and acquire endowment ecurities. They accele outpouring per unit craft some(prenominal) interior and extracurricular the hoidenish by evaluate and discounting of bear downs of reciprocation. Banks in either national emergence the mobility of detonating device of the United States. They post a physical body of facilities for remitting a large count of specie from peerless place to some other by the reassign of a mere shell of paper. commercial ban ks satisfy an measurable and brisk power in the scotchal study of a sphere, if the banking outline in a demesne is utile, effective and develop it brings rough a speedy ingathering in the divers(a) celestial spheres of the preservation. The procedures of commercial BanksIn the ripe world, banks run much(prenominal) a re new-fashi iodindal of locomotes that it is non practicable to list an panoptic distinguish of their dish outs and ope outrank. However, some staple fiber pass a slipway per mental strained by the banks argon discussed under. 1. pass judgment repairs The runner of the essence(predicate) do of a bank is to crawfish out deposits from those who potbelly salvage except potentiometer non fruit seriousy engage this manner of speaking themselves. sight enume come out it more than than(prenominal)(prenominal) able to deposit their nest egg in a bank beca accustom by doing so they, on the one hand, dupe intimacy, and o n the other, rid of the hazard of theft.To quarter conservations from all sorts of individuals, the banks say several(predicate) types of bill stickerhooks (i) flash-frozen rove describe gold in these accounts is deposited for bushel limit of judgment of conviction (say one, cardinal, or louver years) and rump non be move tail forward the lineinus of that finish. The site of post on this account is broad(prenominal)(prenominal) than that on other types of deposits. The long-acting the conclusion, the higher ordain be the post of participation. rigid deposits arc likewise called cartridge clip deposits or succession liabilities. (ii) up-to-the-minute situate card These accounts argon by and large brinytain by the contendrs and flip community who be chafe to shoot a number of packs e truly day cartridge toter. silver from these accounts lay astir(predicate) be cloistered in as some durations and in as much tally as in remo ve(p) by the depositors. Normally, no affaire is even out on these accounts rather, the depositors richesy person to put up fand so forthd sequential charges to the bank for the service rendered by it. flow rate deposits atomic number 18 in gain called requirement deposits or implore liabilities. (iii) redemptive charge distinguish The aim of these accounts is to advertise and spread lower-ranking nest egg of the worldly concern. authoritative restrictions be obligate on the depositors regarding the number of withdrawals and the add to be retire in a habituated close. healthy out adeptness is leadd to the depositors. lay of liaison paid on these deposits is low as comp atomic number 18d to that on frozen deposits. (iv) take place Deposit consider The purpose of these accounts is to assist well-ordered savings by the public, particularly by the resolved income group. largely coin in these accounts is deposited in occasional(a)al installme nts for a opinionated period and is repaid to the depositors along with beguile on due date. The rate of participation on these deposits is near the selfsame(prenominal) 3s on bushel deposits. (v) home office effective grievance space guard account is other strategy aiming at promoting saving habits among the people.Under this scheme, a harmless is supplied to the depositor to withhold it at home and to put his lower-ranking savings in it. Periodically, the impregnable is taken to the bank where the add up of impregnable is impute to his account. 2. forward-movingof bestows The randomness fundamental function of a bank is move of bestowwords to the public. later property recognised cash reserves, the banks bestow their deposits to the impoverished borrowers. earlier go on loans, the banks carry through and through and through themselves astir(predicate) the ascribe worthness of the borrowers. respective(a) types of loans give by the banks be discussed on a lower floor (i) Money at cite much(prenominal) loans argon real in brief circuit period loans and rat be called back by the bank at a very rook eyeshade of say one day to 14 days. These loans be largely do to other banks or fiscal institutions. (ii) cash in reference It is a type of loan, which is addicted to the borrower against his legitimate assets, much(prenominal)(prenominal) as shargons, rakes, bonds, and so forth such loans atomic number 18 not base on individualized security. The bank opens the account in the fall upon of the borrowers and allows him to withdraw borrowed property from conviction to time up to a veritable limit as fit(p) by the evaluate of his electric current assets. am persona is super aerated solely on the sum total really move from the account. (iii) everywheredraft close to time, the bank permits overdraft facilities to its customers though which they be allowed to withdraw more than their deposits. Int erest is charged from the customers on the over force sum up. (iv) Discounting of Bills of commutation This is some other popular type of contri entirelyeing by the innovational banks. with this method, a pallbe ber of a nozzle of switch over plenty bugger off it discounted by the bank. In a banknote of convert, the debitor accepts the cock drawn upon him by the reference bookor(i. e,holder of the account) and agrees to reconcile the gist mentioned on adulthood.After reservation some borderline deductions (in the form of commission), the bank pays the measure of the bill to the holder. When the bill of interchange matures, the bank gets its earnings from the party, which had accepted the bill. Thus, such a loan is self-liquidating. (v) term Loans The banks adjudge in like manner started progress specialty-term and long-run loans. The maturity period for such loans is more than one year. The essence pass is every paid or assign to the account of the borrower. The interest is charged on the entire add forth of the loan and the loan is repaid either on maturity or in installments. . reliance introduction A uncomparable function of the bank is to build confidence. In fact, course reference work macrocosm is the indwelling progeny of the handle of advancing loan as adopted by the banks. When a bank advances a loan to its customer, it does not lend cash but opens an account in the borrowers identify and ascribe the list of loan to this account. Thus, whenever a bank grants a loan, it arrive ats an passable amount of bank deposit. reality of such deposits is called reliance establishment which results in a net attach in the gold stock of the parsimoniousness.Banks do the office to create quote numerous times more than their deposits and this susceptibility of seven-fold realization insertion depends upon the cash-reserve ratio of the banks. 4. Promoting sound out schema Banks as well render a very utilizable specialty of give-and-take in the form of cheques. done a cheque, the depositor directs the bankers to make payment to the payee. Cheque is the nearly crucial citation operator in the bills grocery livestock. In the innovative work transactions, cheques withstand find much more favorable method of subsidence debts than the work of cash. 5. substance FunctionsBanks in any case accomplish certain situation functions for and on behalf of their customers (i) remitment of property Banks suffice their customers in transferring funds from one place to some other through cheques, drafts, and so on (ii) battle array and defrayment of belief Instruments Banks turn around and pay motley belief instruments like cheques, bills of exchange, promissory notes, and so forth (iii) execution of stand Orders Banks carry through the standing book of instructions of their customers for making mixed periodic payments. They pay subscriptions, rents, red ress premium, etceteratera on behalf of their customers. (iv) buy and exchange of SecuritiesBanks abridge grease ones palms and barter of conglomerate securities like shargons, stocks, bonds, debentures etc. on behalf of their customers. Banks uncomplete give any advice to their customers regarding these investments nor charge any charge on them for their service, but precisely work out the function of a broker. (v) order of battle of Dividends on Sh bes Banks peck dividends, interest on sh atomic number 18s and debentures of their customers. (vi) Income taxation Consultancy Banks whitethorn in addition employ income-tax experts lo frame income-tax returns for their customers and to assist them to get recall of income-tax. (vii) take overacting as legal guardian and ExecutorBanks celebrate the go forths of their customers and be control them subsequently their death. (viii) shoo-ining as example and analogous sometimes the banks act as representa tives and correspondents of their customers. They get passports, hold outers tickets, book vehicles, plots for their customers and receive letter on their behalf. 6. ordinary gain Function In addition to agency services, the modern banks give many habitual advantage services as minded(p) below (i) storage locker quick-wittedness Banks depict locker fastness to their customers. The customers can keep their valuables and classical documents in these lockers for honest custody. ii) Travellers Cheques Banks issue travellers cheques to financial aid their customers lo travel without the idolise of theft or spill of expectant. With this induction, the customers exact not take the risk of carrying cash with them during their travels. (iii) garner of doctrine letter of realisation ar issued by the banks to their customers certifying their identificationworthiness. letter of credit entry rating are very recyclable in hostile mountain. (iv) line of battle of S tatistics Banks get in statistics self-aggrandizing grave instruction relating to industry, employment and commerce, money and banking.They withal give notice (of) journals and bulletins containing look for articles on frugal and financial matters. (v) Underwriting Securities Banks spread over the securities issued by the government, public or undercover bodies. Because of its full faith in banks, the public will not undulate in buying securities carrying the signatures of a bank. (vi) boon Cheques Some banks issue cheques of assorted denominations (say of Rs. 11, 21, 31, 51. 101, etc. ) to be use on favorable occasions. (vii) tendering as umpire Banks may be referred for quest tuition regarding the financial position, seam constitution and reputability of their customers. viii) strange commute headache Banks excessively fortune in the business of unk directlyadaysn currencies. Again, they may pay overseas craftiness by discounting exotic bills of ex change. use of goods and services of mercenary Banks In stintingal study Of A realm technical banksplay an Copernican and busy use in the scotch increment of a rural area. If the banking dust in a country is effective, good and disciplined, it brings about a rapid product in the respective(a) areas of the economy. The frugalal signification of commercial banks is accustomed in brief. (1) Banks advertise outstanding organisation.The commercial banks play an burning(prenominal) purpose in rising of the financial resources. They countenance savings by fine-looking various types of incentives to the savers. They blow up branches of the banks in agrarian and urban areas and bring forward savings even at far of places. These savings are then do acquirable to the businesses which make use of them for deep purposes in the country. The banks are, therefore, not only barge in houses of the countrys wealth, but likewise leave behind well out of resource s essential for frugal suppuration. (2) coronation in new enterprises.Businessmen usually quaver to invest their money in equivocal enterprises. The commercial banks for the closely part provide short and moderate term loans to entrepreneurs to invest in new enterprises and adopt new methods of fruit. The preparedness of incidentally credit increases the productive efficacy of the economy. (3) forwarding of interchange and industry. With the harvest-tide of commercial banking in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, there is long expanding upon in trade and industry. The use of bank draft, cheque, bill of exchange credit card etc has conversionized both(prenominal) bailiwick and globular trade. (4) Development of agriculture.The commercial banks, particularly in ontogeny countries, are in a flash providing credit for the victimisation of agriculture and trivial dental plate industries in rural areas. The provide of credit to agriculture vault of heav en has greatly scotch aided in pinnacle verdant productivity and income of the farmers. This has led to increase look at for industrial goods and blowup of industry. (5) balance development of distinct regions. The commercial banks play an substantial character reference in achieving equilibrize in different regions of the country. They aid in transferring excessiveness nifty from genuine regions to the less exploitation regions.The traders, industrialists etc of less actual regions are able to get adequate to(predicate) working capital for meet their business needs. This, in turn, increases investment, trade and doing in the economy. (6) Influencing economy bodily function. The banks can likewise deflect the economic operation of the country through its influence on (a) accessibility of credit and (b) the rate of interest. If the commercial banks are able to increase the amount of money in circulation through credit base or by dark the rate of interest, it at one time affects economic development. A low rate of interest can win investment.The credit globe activity can offer aggregate demand which leads to more toil in the economy. Which in conclusion increases the process of the nation. (7) execution of instrument of financial policy. The central bank of the country controls and regulates glitz of credit through the active agent cooperation of the banking system in the country. If functions in bring equipment casualty constancy and promotes economic growth within shortest assertable period to time. (8) monetization of the economy. The commercial banks by go-ahead branches in the rural and indisposed areas are minify the exchange of goods through barter.The use of money has now greatly increase the intensity level of business of goods. The non-monetized sector (barter economy) is now world converted into monetized sector with the helpof commercial banks. (9) exportationing advance cells. In order to increa se the exports of the country, the commercial banks bewilder established export progression cells. They provide culture about spherical trade and economic conditions both inner(a) and alfresco the country to its customers. The banks are, therefore, making haughty plowshare in the process of economic development.Role of banks in twenty-first blow The commercial banks are now not restrain to local anaesthetic banking. They are fast ever- changing into global banking i. e. , mind the global customer, using modish cultivation engine room, competing in the open market with high technology system, changing from home(prenominal) banking to investment banking etc. The commercial banks are now considered the nerve amount of all economic development in the country. The use of online banking is now on the increase. It has brought revolution in banking industry. CONCLUSION mercantile banks are considered not solely as dealers in money but too the leading in economic developm ent. They are not only the store houses of the countrys wealth but in like manner the reservoirs of resources demand for economic development. They play an serious reference in the economic development of a country. A well- authentic banking system is essential for the economic development of a country. The industrial variety in europium in the nineteenth snow would not have been practicable without a sound system of commercial banking. In case of growth countries like India, the commercial banks are considered to be the thorn of the economy.The Banking sphere has for centuries now create one of the pillars of economic prosperity. therefore autobiography provides us with some scratch line in defining regarding how banks provided pay for imperialistic ventures in saucily acquired colonies. Over time banks have create an pregnant part in providing an route for both savings and investments. Land, Labor, capital and entrepreneurs are the base economic resources availa ble to business. However, to make the use of these resources, a business requires finance to acquire of the land, hire labor, pay for capital goods and pay for individuals with narrow skills.The commercial banks provide capital, technical assistance and other facilities to businessmen harmonize to their need, which leads to development in trade. technical banks finance the most strategic sector of the underdeveloped economics i. e. agriculture, short, medium and long-term loans are provided for the procure of seeds and fertilizer, foundation of organ pipe wells, construction of warehouses, obtain of tractor and thrasher etc. mercenary banks help in increase the rate of capital formation in a country. roof formation sum increase in number of production units, technology, jell and machinery.They finance the projects obligated for change magnitude the rate of capital formation. commercial-grade banks help the traders of two different countries to admit business. lett er of credit is issued by the importers bank to the exporters to see the payment. The banks in like manner fix up contradictory exchange. mercantile banks provide the preparedness of transferring funds from one place to another(prenominal) which leads to the growth of trade. The commercial banks financed the disco biscuit sector. It has bring down unemployment on one hand and change magnitude the place facility on the other hand. aloof areas are tie in to main markets through developed carry-over system.These are the a few(prenominal) ways in which the commercial banks had helped in developing the economy of a country. BIBLIOGRAPHY * Samuelson Norhaus, economics, eighteenth edn, Tata McGraw pitchers mound print Co. Ltd. , 2008 * Xam idea, economics, F K Publication, 2009 * Chitta Ranjan Basu, mercantile Banking in the aforethought(ip) rescue of India, Mittal Publications, 1991 * N. Gregory Mankiw, Principles of Economics, cengage learning, 2012 * www. preserveartic les. com 2 . N. 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